On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 2:08 PM, William L. Maltby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> <snip>
> > had given away to the customer and we couldn't complete the task
> > within their time frame or budget.  Marketing will do anything
> > (usually) to make the sale and then the Engineers try to get it done
> > on time and within the budget. Remember the comparison between
> > Engineers and Mushrooms......
> I wish you good luck on the reentry (there's a pun there... aerospace).

Bill: Thank you! It's an *uphill* battle. When the right Manager sees
something on my resume that he/she needs for a project, it'll click.  My
wife and I are fans of the Space Shuttle program  and we were at KSC to
watch  a launch of Atlantis on 19 May 2000, when she was pregnant.  Reentry
is difficult!  Launch is also incredibly dangerous. On TV, it looks almost

> Having been a mushroom... er software/systems and many related for a
> long time, I know whereof you speak. That's what prompted me to add the
> adjectives and the attempt at humor.

I read something in an IEEE publication, about 2 years ago, that I gave to a
high school boy who lives in our subdivision, who was interested in going
into Engineering, about why someone would go into Engineering, when they
could become a doctor or lawyer or some other profession, with more
stability and respect than Engineers frequently get.. This is way OT for the
CentOS list... Lanny
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