Rob Townley wrote:
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 11:15 PM, Robert Moskowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Craig White wrote:

        On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 23:28 -0400, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
            Craig White wrote:
                On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 21:11 -0400, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
                    I am doing some testing and it almost seems as if
                    Firefox 3.0.1 that comes with Centos 5.2 is NOT
                    working with IPv6.

                    Anyone know for sure?

                    I am getting weird hang behaviours and other just
                    not working things.
                more likely a DNS issue
            Name is coded in /etc/hosts

            Of course the fqdn I am using does NOT follow 'standard'
            TLDs, but it should NOT be masking that, or would that be
            a 'security' feature?
        I have no clue what you are talking about being coded in

        you can check DNS if it returns ipV6 addresses for hosts or if
        there are
        snags/delays in trying to resolve names from command line

    p3490.htt is in my /etc/hosts file as something like:

    2701:24:2:1:0:1:2:3   p3490.htt

    I can 'ping6 -n p3490.htt'

    But putting a url of http//p3490.htt does not work....

    CentOS mailing list <>

DNS can be real slow when IPv6 is enabled. For instance the following firefox delta would speed up firefox on IPv4 connections. Maybe you need to turn it on?

You may have already found this, but it helped when I had the same problem.

In firefox type in about:config,
filter for 'ipv6' you should have an entry for network.dns.disableIPv6
right click on it and 'toggle' it to a true value,
restart firefox and see if it helps.

Um, as the original poster, I WANT IPv6. Not make IPv4 lookups faster by ignoring AAAA records.

Further testing has IPv6 working just fine. Thing is when I enable the HIP API intercepts, FIrefox does not work. Like they are doing something 'non-standard' with the regualr TCP socket API so that HIP can't slide in there. I tried disabling a number of options, thinking it might be some security setting, but if it is, I have not found it.

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