On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 06:36:45PM +0100, Martyn Hare wrote:
> Top is preferred, it's a standard just like it's a standard to put:

Its possible you have only been exposed to a very narrow slice
of Internet life.  Please see the IETF document RFC-1855 Section 3
" 3.0 One-to-Many Communication   " 


> I would recommend top posting.

So would I - BUT --> ONLY FOR emails between yourself
an another person, NOT a technical email list.

The appropriate solution has already been settled on, and has been in
place for 30 years, as seen in the RFC above.

Keep in mind that technical emails lists are different than one 
to one email dialogs and affect hundreds (and sometimes K's) of
other people every time you send an email.  Top posting to
a technical email list is very very bad form.

Of course, so is failing to trim the email! :-) 

Jeff Kinz

CentOS mailing list

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