on 9-18-2008 9:29 AM Sean Carolan spake the following:
I have never encountered anything like this before, so thought I'd post here and see if anyone can help.

We have a java application that sends out notification emails to end-users. The body of the email is some boilerplate text and HTML that is pulled from a database. When the emails are received there are random instances of " !" (that's a space and a bang symbol) inserted into the email in various locations. For example a sentence that is supposed to read like this:

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

ends up looking like this:

The quick b !rown fox jumped over the laz !y dog.

We combed through the source text and didn't find any unusual characters in the body of the text. Somehow these bang symbols are being inserted after the mail is handed off to sendmail. Does anyone have an idea how I can troubleshoot this further? Or maybe you've seen something similar in your environment?


Is it text based mail, or HTML?
I have seen things like this during base64 or quoted printable encoding on some HTML mails from Outlook. If it is encoding, the bangs should repeat in a fairly repeatable pattern.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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