Trying the to install on the OQO, and hitting up against one problem I see a lot in the comments about installing various distros on it. That is its screen size.

So I could install using the text installation except...

What is the command line for text install and askmethod so I can use HTTP to access my local repo? What do I add to 'linux askmethod'? And if I go the text install route, can I do all of my custom disk partitioning? I seem to recall from when I fell intotext install on a system without enough memory, that I could not work with LVM in text mode.


Can I set the video size in that 'linux askmethod' line? Here is a sample xorg.conf I have found:

Section "Device"
       Identifier      "Silicon Motion, Inc. SM720 Lynx3DM"
       Driver          "vesa"
# Driver "siliconmotion" # need to modify the driver first before using
       BusID           "PCI:0:6:0"

Section "Monitor"
       Identifier      "Generic Monitor"
       Option          "DPMS"
       Modeline "800x480" 40 800 864 928 1088 480 481 484 509 +HSync

IF I have to go with a custom kickstart file from diskette (Drive a:), I suppose I could put the hardware together for it. I would need a powered USB hub (around here somewhere), my USB diskette drive, along with the USB CDrom....

How best to proceed?

Oh, for my custom disk partitioning, besides the ext3 partition for /boot, I create a separate swap partition of memory x 2 (=2Gb). Then the LVM partition has two ext3 partitions, one for / around 12Gb, and the other for /home as the rest. The drive is a 60Gb drive, so I might make / bigger:

ext3   /boot   100mb
swap              2Gb
LVM               Rest of drive (to 512byte multiple)
   ext3   /          12Gb
   ext3   /home   rest of LVM

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