on 9-25-2008 2:15 AM John R Pierce spake the following:
got a centos5.2 web/database server thats on a public coloc, its dmesg fills up with

TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 354477433:354478918. Repaired. TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 354477433:354478918. Repaired. TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 354477433:354478918. Repaired. TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 3243223020:3243237180. Repaired. TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 3243227520:3243237180. Repaired. TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 3243232020:3243237180. Repaired.

I know thats because of random bogosity coming in from the internet, and I really don't care. can I suppress that from filling up the dmesg buffer so I can see more important things like scsi soft errors?
Don't you love some of the more "interesting" messages from the kernel?

I'm surprised they didn't use "Here be dragons"!

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