Tru Huynh <> scribbled on Friday, October 03, 2008 11:48 AM:

>>> does your bios see 4GB? try also memtest to make sure the 4GB are there.
>>> cat /proc/meminfo and the boot lines of /var/log/messages
>> Yupp, pressing F2 at boot and checking in bios says it's 4GB DDR2 ECC IIRC.
>> Is memtest available at an almost full install?
> press F2 at the cdrom prompt will show you the memtest option ;)
> boot: memtest86

Oh... Locate memtest86 listed in /boot... Guess if I feel stupid now. <rolling

>>> what does the rescue mode says? cd1 of 5.2 i386/x86_64 ?
>> Did a netinstall, so don't have cd1. Am downloading those now though. Might
>> take a while... 8-) Be back with results soonish.
> you can boot into rescue mode from netboot.
> -> append "rescue method=...."

Ah, simple... My defense is that this is the the first time I'm using
netinstall. Sorry for any n00b-statements from my side. 8-}

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