On Friday 03 October 2008 22:23:16 Bill Campbell wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 03, 2008, Ned Slider wrote:
> > Vandaman wrote:
> >> Off course people are going to ask. In my opinion as long
> >> as a topic is marked OT, it is preferable to one not marked
> >> but one in which the OP has not even done basic research on his
> >> problem.
> >
> > It may be preferable to YOU, but marking something OT doesn't stop it
> > wasting MY bandwidth or clogging up MY inbox does it?
> That's what incoming mail filters are for :-).  I must admit that
> I do the vast majority of my e-mail using mutt which makes it
> extremely easy for me to delete threads unread.  This is usually
> much more time-consuming with GUI or web mail clients.
If your account is pop3 only you don't have that option

> Personally I have no problem with the occassional OT thread, and
> think that, within reason, they can make a list more ``friendly''
> and less intimidating to newbies.
as long as OT threads stay short, I agree.  Long rambling pointless ones I can 
do without.

> I also prefer more general lists to those that have very tight
> charters as I learn quite a bit when I see threads with
> interesting subjects that I might not see otherwise.
Agreed about content, but having a code of conduct doesn't affect that.


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