Robert Spangler <> scribbled on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 12:03 AM:

>>  > It was thinking it is logged through klogd, and can be suppressed by
>>  > starting klogd with the e.g. "-c 3" option.
>>  > Change the bootoption of klogd in: /etc/sysconfig/syslog :  >
>>  >    KLOGD_OPTIONS="-x -c 3"
>>  Sounds vaguely like something my google-searches turned, but didn't quite
>>  get/understand. I'll look into this again. Thx.
> I have the following in my /etc/sysctl.conf file;
> # Stop logging to console
> kernel.printk = 3 4 1 7

The setterm-command I tried yesterday didn't work. I'll give your setting a go. 


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