On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Ned Slider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ralph Angenendt wrote:
>> fabian dacunha wrote:
>>> its a offtopic question but really apprecite if someone would advise n
>>> help
>>> i have been running a mil server with sendmail
>>> and have sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org as my dnsbl.
>>> i had  other servers which are alredy out now
>>> that is relays.ordb.org and dsbl.org have already been out of my
>>> sendmail
>>> config.
>>> any one knows of ny other servers i could add in my sendmail config
>> Any list which you trust enough to make the decision *which* mails you
>> accept for you.
>> Which would leave "none" for me.
>> Even sbl.spamhaus.org contains a blacklist, which sometimes lists
>> because of the name the machine has (CBL that is).
>> Ralph
> DNSBL has information on many RBLs together with statistics on their
> effectiveness:
> http://stats.dnsbl.com/
> Other popular RBLs besides Spamhaus include Spamcop, PSBL and uceprotect.
> As Ralph says, any RBL should be used with a certain amount of caution as
> it has the potential to cause FPs (some more so than others). An alternative
> approach is to use such RBLs as part of a scoring system such as
> SpamAssassin. This is particularly useful for RBLs that you don't trust to
> outright reject mail at the smtp level.
> If you want to improve on the performance of sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org, I would
> first look at switching to the combined zen.spamhaus.org zone which also
> contains the pbl.spamhaus.org zone. My own data shows sbl-xbl.spamhaus.orgto 
> block around 50% of spam whereas
> zen.spamhaus.org hits on around 90% of spam with very few FPs for me -
> YMMV. You should monitor performance closely.
Anyone have any experience dealing with SURBL?  I have a client who's domain
and IP is not listed in SURBL, but their client in China is using SURBL and
my client's emails are getting blocked.  Can't seem to find how SURBL is
blocking them

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