Well it is not that I expected it to be done. I was just curious as in  
my searches I found some for openSuse, etc and "hoped" that maybe  
someone had rolled some.

The main reason I need it, is that I have a particular Windows program  
that causes seg faults in the older wine version, but not in 1.1.10. I  
was just hoping to streamline subsequent installs... =-)


On 11-Dec-08, at 11:57 AM, Vandaman wrote:

> dnk wrote:
>> has anyone come across a wine 1.1.10 RPM? Searching
>> all the usual places.....
> How would you expect something WineHQ describes as
> a "development release" only out a few days to have as
> you call it "a rpm for CentOS available"?
> What's new in this version of wine? Do IE, Media player
> work out of the box?
> Regards,
> Vandaman.
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