Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> I threw that configuration you posted on a working vsftpd (working without 
> SSL) on CentOS 5 and can only confirm that it doesn't work. One obvious 
> problem is port 990 as ftps wants to connect via port 990. In Filezilla 
> you can choose to use FTPES which seems to connect to port 21 and force an 
> SSL auth. This actually works as you get the certificate displayed to 
> accept it and you can login. However, the directory listing fails. I tried 
> changing to active, disallowing certain protocols etc. It all fails at the 
> same stage.
> The link posted (http://bugs.proftpd.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3094) seems to 
> apply exactly to this situation. So, you simply will not be able to work 
> with a newer Filezilla client against a vsftpd server without this patch.
> Status: Connecting to
> Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
> Response:   220 FTP
> Command:    AUTH TLS
> Response:   234 Proceed with negotiation.
> Status: Initializing TLS...
> Status: Verifying certificate...
> Command:    USER kai
> Status: TLS/SSL connection established.
> Response:   331 Please specify the password.
> Command:    PASS ********
> Response:   230 Login successful.
> Command:    SYST
> Response:   215 UNIX Type: L8
> Command:    FEAT
> Response:   211-Features:
> Response:    AUTH SSL
> Response:    AUTH TLS
> Response:    EPRT
> Response:    EPSV
> Response:    MDTM
> Response:    PASV
> Response:    PBSZ
> Response:    PROT
> Response:    REST STREAM
> Response:    SIZE
> Response:    TVFS
> Response:   211 End
> Command:    PBSZ 0
> Response:   200 PBSZ set to 0.
> Command:    PROT P
> Response:   200 PROT now Private.
> Status: Connected
> Status: Retrieving directory listing...
> Command:    PWD
> Response:   257 "/"
> Command:    TYPE I
> Response:   200 Switching to Binary mode.
> Command:    PASV
> Response:   227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,232,75,253)
> Command:    LIST
> Response:   150 Here comes the directory listing.
> Status: Server did not properly shut down TLS connection
> Error:  Transfer connection interrupted: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted
> Response:   226 Directory send OK.
> Error:  Failed to retrieve directory listing
> Kai

Hi Kai,

        Thanks for your input.  I had problem with SmartFTP too which was 
supposed to work with this setup.  Then, i don't know if i should report 
a bug...

        It's just too bad i can't make this work...


Guy Boisvert, ing.
IngTegration inc.
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