On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 21:52 -0800, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:46:24AM -0500, S.Tindall wrote:
> > On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 21:42 -0500, Jim Perrin wrote:
> > > I'm looking to do a bit more monitoring of my 3ware 9550 with smartd,
> > > and wanted to see what others were doing with smart for monitoring
> > > 3ware hardware.
> > > 
> > > Do you have the smartd.conf configured to test, or simply monitor health 
> > > status?
> > > Are you monitoring the drive as centos sees it (/dev/sdX) or are you
> > > using the 3ware /dev/twaX for monitoring?
> > > 
> > > Opinions and discussions are welcome :-P
> > 
> > This is my smartd.conf for monitoring drives on a 9550SX:
> > 
> > /dev/twa0 -d 3ware,0 -H -m root
> > /dev/twa0 -d 3ware,1 -H -m root
> > /dev/twa0 -d 3ware,2 -H -m root
> > /dev/twa0 -d 3ware,3 -H -m root
> > 
> > Using smartctl is similar:
> > 
> > # smartctl -Hd 3ware,0 /dev/twa0 
> > 
> > It's straightforward to do testing with smartctl, but the above
> > -H/--health output gives you some warning that things aren't right
> > before the drive fails, especially the later lines of output (e.g.
> > Current_Pending_Sector, Offline_Uncorrectable). I run it as a weekly
> > cron job.
> > 
> Do you ever run the long/short tests?  These are mentioned in the
> smartd.conf 3ware examples.
> I've never enabled them.
> Ray

No, I scheduled the selftest through the 3ware controller itself, but
it's been so long since I set it up, that I would have to get out the
manual to remember how to do it.

# /usr/local/sbin/tw_cli show selftest

Selftest Schedule for Controller /c2
Slot Day Hour UDMA SMART
1 Sun 12:00am enabled enabled
2 Mon 12:00am enabled enabled
3 Tue 12:00am enabled enabled
4 Wed 12:00am enabled enabled
5 Thu 12:00am enabled enabled
6 Fri 12:00am enabled enabled
7 Sat 12:00am enabled enabled


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