On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 5:52 AM, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a windows domain or AD in this picture somewhere?

Not at all for all the usual Windows network migrations I've been
setting up. Typically small offices with less than 20 people so they
simply used workgroups without domains.

> If you want something nicer, run freenx on the server and the NX

Thanks for the suggestion, I discovered freenx just days ago and
actually had the packages installed on the new setup, just have not
gotten around to using it.

> Then the samba shares look like:
> [aaa-share]
>    comment = aaa workspace
>    path = /path/to/aaa-share
>    public = no
>    valid users = @aaa
>    writable = yes
>    printable = no
>    force create mode = 0775
>    force directory mode = 775
>    force group = aaa

I just had an OMFG moment reading your conf. Does the valid use...@aaa
means all users in the group aaa? I thought I had read it to mean
exclude hence never tried it, instead I had tried things like valid
users = groupAAA which obviously didn't work.

> If you use smb authentication against a domain controller
>all you have  to do is create the linux users with the same login
> name.  With winbind  you might not even have to do that, but
> then I don't know how you
> control the groups.

Would setting up a domain controller on the CentOS be better in the
long run for only 10 to 20 people situation? I've avoided it since I'm
still learning to setup Linux based servers and didn't want to bite
off more than I can chew.

Thanks again for all the suggestions!
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