On Fri, 2009-03-06 at 17:46 +0800, Noob Centos Admin wrote:
> I was back onsite and trying it again, in vain. Copied the conf from
> another site's working setup and dumped directly, recreated with the
> same names and all. No go.
> So again removed and install samba again, made a blank conf file, fire
> up SWAT and did the most basic config.
> Even chmod 777 the directory.
> Conf file
> [global]
>         workgroup = MKSC52
>         netbios name = MKSC52
>         security = SHARE
>         log level = 2
>         os level = 35
> [staff]
>         comment = Staff Share
>         path = /home/staff
>         valid users = jackie @staff
> I've changed one of the Windows machine workgroup to a fresh one as
> above, in case the existing WIndows 2000 domain controller was somehow
> interfering.  The pc name was also changed to the user's name. But no
> joy either.
> But at least Samba is logging something after that
> # [2009/03/06 17:38:31, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(324)
>   netbios connect: name1=MKS2009C52      name2=JACKIE
> [2009/03/06 17:38:31, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(331)
>   netbios connect: local=mks2009c52 remote=jackie, name type = 0
> [2009/03/06 17:40:31, 2] smbd/process.c:timeout_processing(1363)
>   Closing idle connection
> On the windows side, there was a brief pause before Windows tells me I
> have no permission to access the network resource. No prompt for
> password.
I gave you some clues on how to troubleshoot on Saturday afternoon


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