On 3/20/09, John R Pierce <pie...@hogranch.com> wrote:
> Rainer Duffner wrote:
>> srv3# mtr -c 10 -r centos.org
>> HOST: srv3.ultra-secure.de        Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst
> 'lost packets' on traces from intermediate hops aren't significant, as
> most routers treat PING as a low priority and if they are busy doing
> their primary routing job, they'll ignore some percentage of pings.
> traceroute and its ilk are very inexact tools.     your MTR command, run
> from a San Jose, California machine, gives...
John: Then I believe the most important data we have are what you
found a few nights ago, and the traceroute Per did from Sweden this
morning (USA time) that died within the LayeredTech DC.  Lanny
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