Craig White wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-03-21 at 13:37 -0400, Xn Nooby wrote:
>> I sent this email to the Rehdat list, but I thought the Centos users
>> might be more inclined to have the command-line solution I am looking
>> for, so I thought I would post it here too:
>> I would like to add anti-virus to my email server. Currently I have
>> Postfix, Dovecot, PHP, and Squirrelmail installed.  The users only use
>> Squirrelmail to access mail. I am looking for command-line
>> instructions, since I have limited access to the server itself (I am
>> using SSH). ClamAV seems to be most common linux AV package, so I
>> assume I should be using that.
>> I'm not sure if I should be using Amavisd or MailScanner, or neither.
>> I believe I need one of them to act as the glue that connects Postfix
>> to ClamAV. Apparently none of these packages
>> (Amavisd/MailScanner/ClamAV) are part of RHEL5, so I have to get the
>> RPMS from somewhere else.
>> Is there some standard way of adding AV to Postfix?
> ----
> clearly the best way is to add a wrapper program like amavisd-new or
> MailScanner which handles spamassassin and which ever combination of
> anti-virus programs you use.
> The postfix list and primary author, Wietse will tell you flat out not
> to use MailScanner (there's something personal between Wietse and
> Julian, the author of MailScanner) but I found amavisd-new to be a PITA
> and just love MailScanner myself and have never had issues with
> integrating MailScanner into Postfix mail queue.
> rpmforge has clamav/clamdb packages. MailScanner is available from

I've always liked MimeDefang best because of it's well-designed 
multiplexer that permits quick operations to continue without making an 
extra process wait for the slow jobs.   It was designed to work with 
sendmail and the rpmforge package works along with clamav requiring at 
most a change in group ownership on clamd's socket.   However, I thought 
  someone said that postfix's milter emulation is now complete enough to 
work with MimeDefang too.

   Les Mikesell

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