On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 18:35 +0200, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Just updated another machine to 5.3, everything fine, but grub.conf wasn't 
> updated to the 128 kernel. It got a new modified date and the kernel is 
> there, but the content wasn't changed. /etc/sysconfig/kernel contains the 
> correct UPDATEDEFAULT=yes
> No errors in logs or during the update. No problem to boot with this 
> kernel once added.
> This is the first time I ever see this happen.
> Any clues?
> Kai

This happened to me the other day when that kernel came out. "init"
would not reload on the kernel update and yum stalled.

I had reboot into the old kernel rpm -e the 128 kernel and yum update
kernel again and all was fine. I do have to say this machine was memory
limited and swapping on update bad.


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