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Subject: Re: [CentOS] Trouble with 5.2==>5.3 upgrade
From: fred smith <fre...@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us>
To: CentOS mailing list <centos@centos.org>
Date: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 11:58:28 AM

but since the file appears to download fine, it wouldn't be a case of "not on mirror", would it?

I worked around the issue by updating the kernel through RPM vs yum, then performing the yum upgrade.

The issue is not a proxy (as we do not have one installed, nor one upstream) - and, as you mentioned (and was the case with me), the upgrade worked fine on several boxes on the same network. The problem appears to be with the CentOS repos, affecting anyone on CentOS 5.2 with an older kernel trying to upgrade directly to 5.3 (as far as I can tell).


Well, while it is on the mirror - Yum will not download/install it. I was able to download fine via wget and install via rpm. I believe the yum error "Package does not match intended download" is likely a better indicator of the problem and the following "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" errors are a byproduct - perhaps an error in yum or a library it uses.

I just found a thread entitled "Update fails with "Package does not match intended download"" on the Centos PHPbb forums and it has a fix (have not tried myself). The fix is to disable the fastestmirror plugin by editing the /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf

I also found reference to the same error and problem during the CentOS5 -> 5.1 release. I'm not sure what the fastest mirror plugin is doing (perhaps caching old data?), but it does not seem that it is being tested thoroughly by Q/A during these respins.

Perhaps this clue will help others...

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