On 4/24/09 8:05 AM, "NM" <n...@altiva.fr> wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 18:10:38 -0400, Ross Walker wrote:
>> How about running it as the untrusted user 'clamav'?
> How's that user going to check anything that's not o+r?

How about selinux? You could make a context that allows clamav read rights
to everything, and write to none. You could even develop your own PCI
compliant selinux security framework that can be applied to all PCI hosts.

>> I know there is a lot of boilerplate regulation out there, I have my
>> fair share to deal with myself. Often hidden in the BS there is a good
>> intention it just requires a little give and take. Give in to a little
>> BS here to get a little break on the BS there.
>> What the consultant should be working off of is an accurate risk
>> assessment of the OS and the applications installed on it, not some dumb
>> checklist.
> Yeah, well, problem is, you don't get to choose who's going to assess you.

Well you can either go with the compliance flow, or you can let the
compliance flow take you kicking and screaming. Either way your regulated
now and there isn't anything you can do about it. It's the world we live in
today I'm afraid.

If you don't like the way the consultant is doing things, then after this
cycle is complete, take control of the process. Do your own risk assessments
on the hardware and software and develop your own PCI compliant controls
that more accurately reflects the true threats and vulnerabilities of your
environment instead of the "perceived" threats and vulnerabilities being
used now.

Having your own regular in-house risk assessment performed can only help you
in both developing and supporting your decisions for which controls are
applied to which systems. And even if you need a token install of anti-virus
everywhere to appease the regulator gods, it isn't the end of the world. If
your risk analysis of the software determines it poses a great enough risk,
you can impose controls on it like I mentioned above.


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