One way to do this would be to use "%packages --nobase".  This is an
extremely stripped down install, that is still functional (well it
boots).  You will need to add packages to it, especially since yum and
ssh aren't included.  Many other utilities will be missing as well,
hopefully this link will get you closer to what you want.


On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 9:48 PM, <> wrote:
> Hello, all.
> I'm looking at building about a dozen CentOS VM's for a project.  I have
> a desire to use kickstart for this coupled with PXE.  I'm looking for a
> minimal ks.cfg file specifically, I want the bare minimum of software
> that is needed for a system to function.  I will need sshd and yum as
> the only 'services or applications' on top of the OS.  Does anyone have
> an example I can work with, or suggestions on getting to this minimal
> configuration? I'm just looking to save some time, rather than
> re-inventing what may and probably is already out there.
> Thanks
> Daniel
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