On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 05:26:22PM -0400, JohnS wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-04-29 at 15:45 -0500, Ron Blizzard wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 3:00 PM, nate <cen...@linuxpowered.net> wrote:
> >         R P Herrold wrote:
> >         
> >         > oh please -- move advocacy to a new thread raher than
> >         > hijacking.  Quantity does not imply quality, and AWOL
> >         > maintainers who move on is a problem in all of FOSS
> >         
> >         Quality is implied by the hefty QA process debian goes
> >         through, and the long release cycles. I thought I had
> >         communicated that in the previous message. The last two
> >         major releases took almost 2 years of work each. Similar
> >         to the QA that Red Hat does, which is why their base packages
> >         are solid and well tested. This same level of QA of course
> >         doesn't apply to 3rd party repos.
> >         
> >         > and so R-2.9.0 is not available to you, and if your users
> >         > wanted R-xts, to extend zoo [which extends R], the only
> >         place
> >         > for those packages in Debian packaging are r-forge and CRAN
> >         > (as they are not in any 'official' Debian archive, and only
> >         > in the independents).
> >         
> >         The users will have to make do with what there is. The same
> >         is true for CentOS/RHEL on my systems. I can't remember the
> >         last time I went to CPAN. I did maintain a couple dozen ruby
> >         on rails packages at my last company for the systems there,
> >         everything built by hand, it wasn't easy, or fun.
> > 
> > For what it's worth, I like both CentOS and Debian. (Heck, I even like
> > openSUSE as an OS, but I'm not crazy about Novel's smooching with
> > Microsoft.) 
> ---
> Not crazy about smooching huh? Ever bother to really research the facts?
> RedHat and MS are parteners! In the Virtualization area and more.

Speaking of researching the facts, I suggest you do the same.

RedHat's "partnership" with MS most specifically does NOT include any
kind of patent licensing crap. The contortions MS/Novell had to go thru
in their agreement to try to squeeze into a tiny loophole in the GPL2
are the really objectional parts. The "obey the letter but not the spirit"
of the GPL nonsense stinks to high heaven.

---- Fred Smith -- fre...@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us -----------------------------
                       I can do all things through Christ 
                              who strengthens me.
------------------------------ Philippians 4:13 -------------------------------

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