On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Pasi Kärkkäinen <pa...@iki.fi> wrote:
> On Wed, May 06, 2009 at 11:27:27AM +0200, Bent Terp wrote:
>> We've got a 110 TB xfs system in production based on a logical volume
>> striped over 9 boxes of SATA disk, works like a charm with great
>> throughput as we stripe over 3 controllers :-)
> Are you running x86 32bit or x86_64 ?
> iirc there has been problems with XFS on 32bit kernel.. stack size related
> or so? So 64bit has been the recommended way to go..

We run 64bit on most machines cuz they've got more than 4 gig ram.
(And any besserwissers about to sound of about PAE kernels can kindly
do so in another thread cuz I'm NOT listening!)

As an aside, I hadn't heard of issues with 32bit xfs but in retrospect
it can see the logic in it: a lot of company-supplied code has had
64bit issues cuz it came from a 32bit environment, but SGI was never
"most companies" :-)
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