On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 11:18, John R Pierce <pie...@hogranch.com> wrote:
> Filipe Brandenburger wrote:
>>> [pie...@xxxx test]$ grep pierce /etc/group
>>> postgres:x:26:pierce
>>> pierce:x:503:
>> It would work if user "pierce" belonged to group "postgres".
> Um, I do, I showed that up there.
> I was both owner of file AND member of both from and to groups, AND had
> write access to the directory.  still doesn't allow it.   CentOS 5.3, btw.

Did you just add yourself to that group? The processes you run will
not know you are a member of that group until you logout and login
again (open new SSH session, etc.).

When you issue the "id" command (with no parameters), does it include
the "postgres" group?

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