John Kennedy пишет:
> On Tuesday 19 May 2009 16:11:35 Anne Wilson wrote:
>> I've been asked to think about setting up an installation for a recently-
>> widowed man.  His needs are small - mail, Internet, on-line banking,
>> basically - but his wife dealt with all of it on her laptop and he feels
>> very insecure.
>> It seems to me that CentOS would be perfect for him except for the need to
>> keep it securely patched.  I'm wondering if it's possible to auto-install
>> security updates - for that matter, with so small a set of applications
>> perhaps auto-installing every update would be good enough.
>> Maybe this could be done with a script run under cron.daily, so that
>> anacron picks it up?
>> I'd be glad of any advice.
>> Anne
> As much as I like CentOS, I tend to agree with the other posts. I don't think 
> it is the right distro for non techies.
> I set up my in-laws with Linux Mint (running KDE, of course) and they could 
> even handle installing the codecs and other non OSS stuff. Mint is a nice 
> distro based on Ubuntu.
> John

I second that. Mint is my choice of a linux desktop distro.
As much as I like CentOS, I tend to use it on servers, and, only rarely,
on manageable workstations.

But if it's easier for you to maintain just one-flavor distro, stick
with CentOS, either way you will be a winner :-)

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