on 5-25-2009 9:26 AM William Warren spake the following:
> Tosh wrote:
>> Karanbir Singh wrote:
>>> Hi Bill,
>>> On 05/23/2009 08:37 PM, Bill Campbell wrote:
>>>>>> Any comments on CentOS 5 on Intel Atom CPUs?
>>> Something I totally left out in my last email - atleast 2 people have
>>> reported success using C5 on Atom. I've looked at one of the original
>>> intel reference platform kits, and things worked pretty much out of the box.
>> I have a mail server running with an atom 230 processor (intel original 
>> board), I installed it about a year ago and had to install the nic 
>> driver 8101 manually
>> One of our customers has around 20 kiosks with the atom 330 processors 
>> (intel original board) runs out of the box with centos 5.3
>> technically there are just old celeron (pentium4 based) processors with 
>> low energy consumption, so for the operating system it makes no real 
>> difference, for your electricity bill it does
> intel atoms are not celerons..they are in order processors..the celerons 
> are out of order superscalar processors.
> http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=3276&p=6
> read the rest of the artiucle for full details
So they are pentium classics? ;-)

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