On 05/29/2009 03:34 PM, Tim Nelson wrote:
> Surely someone has rebuilt the initrd for the installer ISO? I recall seeing 
> something on the list about it previously in regards to storage controllers 
> but I cannot seem to find it now...

yes, plenty of times.

> Is there somewhere I can look to see the original mkinitrd command used to 
> build the initrd on the ISO? I could then ensure I have all of the modules 
> specified there along with my additional module.

the initrd isnt built with the normal mkinitrd command on a running 
machine, you need to have a lot of the installer components setup to 
include ( remember that the first 25% of the installer is actually in 
the initrd ).

Your best process here is to grab the existing initrd, push your modules 
into that, and repack it. You should not need to do much more beyond add 
the right pciid's and the modules to the right place, depmod it so the 
modules info is updated and repack.

give it a shot, I'll help you along if you get stuck. once you are done, 
will you write up the process for us ?

- KB
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