From: Filipe Brandenburger Sent: June 10, 2009 20:28
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 19:51, Hugh E Cruickshank<> wrote:
> >  krb5kdc: Address already in use - Cannot bind server socket to port
> >  750 address
> >  krb5kdc: Address already in use - Cannot bind server socket to port
> >  750 address
> Is there any process already using port 750 in your machine?
> You can find that with this command:
> # netstat -nap | grep :750\\b
> It should also tell you which program it is that is using that port.
> I recently had this problem with one of the NFS client processes
> (rpc.statd?) binding on the rsync port, so the rsync server could not
> start as the port was already in use.

Hi Filipe

Give the man a cigar! rpc.statd strikes again.

Now to figure out how to fix that.


Regards, Hugh

Hugh E Cruickshank, Forward Software,

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