Lanny Marcus wrote:
> Ross: The good news is that I learned a tiny bit about packaging this
> morning. My first attempt at that  :-)    I have a CD-R now with
> msttcorefonts-.3-4.noarch.rpm   (3.5 MB) on it.  The bad news is that
> I still see the .docx file displayed very badly, by OO 3.1. You were
> almost dead on with the process. How do you remember so many things?
> cabextract comes from rpmforge. I reloaded xfs as it said on that web
> page and I even restarted the box, but I am still getting the bad
> display of the .docx file when I load it into OO 3.1.    Lanny

the layout and appearance of old doc files are still often not perfect 
in openoffice.
Heck, doc files created with MS word version xyz often look different 
when opened with a different version of ms word!
So I wouldn't expect openoffice to render docx files perfectly for a 
while... Be happy if you can read the text ;-) .
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