On Wed, 17 Jun 2009, Joshua Bahnsen wrote:

> I don't want to cause any trouble here, but what does this 
> have to do with generating advisory information that is 
> provided by the vendor?

    ...  if you won't acknowledge the landmines, you get blown 
up, eventually, I hear

> I believe this feature [insert desired pony here] would be 
> advantageous to end users.

Please feel free to code an implementation of any proposed 
process to yield what you deem a desireable feature 
enhancement for the CentOS project, and run in in 
demonstration for review.  Assuming it is FOSS 
licensed, we'll look.  The documents group already 
does this as to wiki content creation.

TANSTAAFL for any material coding effort.

-- Russ herrold
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