[On 6/23/09 7:53 AM, "Rex Dieter" <rdie...@math.unl.edu> wrote:

> Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> Rex Dieter wrote:
>>>>> But I have worked out that the cause of the problem
>>>>> is that there exists a kind of ghost folder, "uidvalidity",
>>>>> which is listed among the folders on the kmail page
>>>>> but does not in fact seem to exist in my maildir on the server.
>>>>> Deleting the folder under kmail has no permanent effect;
>>>>> it simply re-appears when I re-start kmail.
>>>>> I assume the folder is listed in some way in the dovecot.index ;
>>>>> and my question really is: if I delete this index file
>>>>> will it be re-created automatically?
>>>>> This bug/feature seems to have been present for years,
>>>>> which I suppose is par for KDE.
>>> Years?  Bugs filed?  If so, where?
>> At random, here is one from 2006:
>> <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=364953>
> *cough* upstream kde? *cough*  :)
> -- Rex
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Debian patches the hell out of KDE, and so do most other distros, this bug
should not be called a "KDE" bug unless you've completely verified with
vanilla source and have fully analyzed the code paths to assure that it
isn't a distribution patch that screwed the pooch.

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