Beartooth wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Jul 2009 10:36:51 -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
>       [....] 
>> My 'dream' OS has always been one where the base install was extremely
>> minimal - just enough to install the rest over the network.  Then there
>> would be a way that anyone could 'publish' their installed list of
>> repositories and packages and anyone else could duplicate that machine's
>> setup just by picking that list from a set of choices with the installer
>> dealing with the hardware differences for you.  This would eliminate
>> most of the need for custom rebuilds and respins - at least for anyone
>> with network access, and in my opinion the optimal combination of many
>> thousands of packages is something that deserves to be be crowdsourced.
>>   But, so far no one has done it and whenever the discussion of modified
>> CentOS respins comes up the developers have seemed pretty lukewarm to
>> the idea, as though it would devalue their brand.
>       Such an OS, or release of an OS, would be mighty welcome to those 
> of us with early notebooks/netbooks/whatever (such as the EeePC 701). 

A minimal install CD was discussed a while back, but it never got past 
the discussion stage...

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