madunix ha scritto:
> Can any one clarify this, is auto updating at all production servers
> recommended or not?
> need to know your opinion, how do you manage the update?
> -mu

I'm a very lazy sysadmin, and, although I know that is better to have full
control over updates... I let yum-cron do the updates for me.

I administer very few server, I always have a good backup handy, and wen I'm on
vacation I disable the auto-updates...

For now (about 3 years of doing this) I never had real issues. The worse thing
that happened was the updates not working for some dependency issue, which
needed to be sorted manually.

Again, I guess it really depends on what you are administering and if/how you
can handle a server outage, so you have to carefully make your own decision
based on your environment.

Lorenzo Quatrini
CentOS mailing list

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