Max Hetrick wrote:
> Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
>> 1) The Title of the article says "How to Setup a Software RAID on CentOS 5"
>> 2) My successor is a real HK bred and born person so his command of the 
>> English language is like most such persons; that is to say, very poor.
>> 3) Regarding not letting him within ten feet of a production server, 
>> well, that is not my business anymore. When I was there, I was the lone 
>> ranger and so is my replacement. I guess it serves my previous boss 
>> right who felt he could just pick anybody of the street to replace 
>> because I only have high school education. Too bad he had to wait for 
>> over six months to get what he has now.
>> 4) Max, I actually agree with you but hey, the world is not perfect. 
>> There will be clueless people given jobs they are not really suitable 
>> for but we cannot just tell them to get lost can we now?
>> Posted too to centos-docs for any further discussion.
> Someone added a very bright disclaimer, so all should be good in the 
> future. I do agree with others that using /dev/sdX would probably be 
> wise as well in documentation, but that doesn't fix the true root of the 
> problem. People really should watch cutting and pasting, or typing, 
> commands on a Linux root without understanding what it is that the 
> commands are doing.
Some rather explicit warnings or enough obfuscation could have made him 
come begging for help again rather leaving a major mess.

> Is it possible you could help him with some basic Linux lessons then, 
> and/or point him to some beginner material so this doesn't happen again.
Have tried...I can only take that so far. Unfortunately, experience 
seems to be the most memorable teacher.

> I just had a problem with blaming the author of a document, (I didn't 
> even write it) when the user did not read the document. If he doesn't 
> speak or read English well, then that doesn't help that, nor does adding 
> warnings help either if he can't read English well.
Bye bye data ought to be clear enough. I am just saying writers of 
HowTos should perhaps consider certain people that they are not 
targeting as possible readers. My incomplete vpopmail howto has no 
commands that will mess up a system whether package wise or data wise.

> I'm not certain what languages the page has been translated to, but 
> perhaps look into that for him as well. Or can you translate the page?
No can do. I am not a typical HK person. Not bred in Hong Kong (and 
therefore not racist like most locals) but bred in Sierra Leone. So I am 
illiterate in Chinese characters nevermind whether it is the traditional 
or simplified system. I cannot help out much with the local LUG. The few 
who do have a fair command of English are also the ones who help the 
others out - in Chinese. I will try asking them.
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