在 2009-08-16日的 00:09 -0700,John R Pierce写道:
> Han mo wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > does anyone install the oracle on the centos?
> > I try to install the oracle on my computer.  but fail.
> > It has problem on kernel setting and add the swap disk.
> >   
> "The Oracle" on "The Centos" ?   there's many software products from 
> Oracle, and several versions of CentOS.   You should probably be a 
> little more specific.
I want to insall oracle 10i server enterprise on my Centos 5.3,  I set
the kernel parameters by the result from the google.  But it fails.  
Do write the blog?   can let me see it?
> I have installed Oracle Database Server Enterprise Edition 9i and 10g on 
> CentOS 3, 4 and 5, it runs just fine.    IIRC (its been a few months 
> since I've installed any of them), you need to do a fair number of 
> manual steps, you should follow the Oracle release notes on running 
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