On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 9:38 PM, Michael
Wright<micktaywri...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> Hi List
> I'm new to centos i'm also on the forum but my question is how do i do a
> dual boot say windows/centos
> i no i have to partition the harddrive can i do this in centos..\
> could someone help us out
> Mike

Hi Mike,

I don't know if you can repartition with CentOS as you install, or not
-- I don't think you can. I use Puppy Linux for this. One of its
included utilities is GParted, which is a lot like Partition Magic and
it lets you resize your Windows partition to make room for CentOS.

You also download a GParted Live CD, though the ISO is about the same
size as the Puppy Linux ISO and, with Puppy, you get a complete
desktop OS.

Puppy Linux is at: http://puppylinux.org/

GParted Live is at: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/download.php

There is also a PartedMagic Live CD -- but I think it's just a fancier

Once you've got your new partition you might want to check out the Red
Hat dual booting page. I think it's pretty much up to date.


Good luck. I've still got my laptop dual-booting, but for everything
else, when I want to run Windows (getting to be a rarity) I use a
virtual machine in VirtualBox.

RonB -- Using CentOS 5.3
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