One piece of information I have not seen in this thread is that the
"old" RHL 7.2 was the basis for RedHat Enterprise Linux 2.1, which had
its support ended earlier this year.

That being said, I will now add my voice to those pointing out that in
today's Internet environment, it is only prudent to get yourself onto
some OS that is currently maintained, with patches for bugs and fixes
for newly-discovered security issues.

My $0.02 ( US ) worth.

On Sat, 2009-09-12 at 10:00 -0700, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 12:13 AM, hadi motamedi <> wrote:
> > Can you please do me favor and let me know what are the highlights of major
> > benefits of CentOS Release 5 (Final) over the RedHat Linux 7.2 (Enigma) as
> > we are going to migrate to it ?
> The major benefits of upgrading, as I see it are:
> (1) Ongoing support and security
> (2) New software packages and more recent versions of many old ones
> The major drawbacks are:
> (1) Support for some older hardware is gone
> (2) Several packages have been discontinued or replaced with inferior
> alternatives [*]
> (3) Any custom software that depends on libc5 is out of luck
> [* due to stricter licensing constraints]
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Ron Loftin            

"God, root, what is difference ?"       Piter from UserFriendly

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