> Well, I noticed that ssh/scp probably requires tty and when called
> from a script, its not from a tty.
> At least in my case which was drupal calling a script that lauched
> ssh, a non tty source.
> I also required running privileged commands.
> Mebbe you don't need all this so check your logs and see what happens.
My last job, I was setting up rsync backups. What I did was create a user,
backup, then in /etc/sudoers, have !requiretty *only* for that user. The
user was also limited in what commands it could run (in that case, rsync

Don't forget to log in as that user first, so that you don't get the "Oh,
This is a new IP, are you Sure you want to continue connecting?!?!"


> On Oct 13, 2009, at 12:15 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
>> aurfal...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> I actually had to set both ssh keys and commented out the requiretty
>>> in the sudoers file.
>>> What I was doing was having ssh called from a script and running a
>>> command on that remote host it was ssh-ing into.
>> I'm still missing why you'd need to sudo inside the remote shell
>> instead
>> of ssh'ing as the right user in the first place.  Or at least why
>> you'd
>> require a password for it.
>> --
>>   Les Mikesell
>>    lesmikes...@gmail.com
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