On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 19:13 -0500, DTS-Corp (Knowledgebase) wrote:
> I have an Iomega NAS 1TB drive that I am using as just kind of a file
> sharing solution between all of my computers.
> Of course it is on a timed backup with my server however it just
> serves as a temporary solution for a bigger problem ( IE 15 different
> puters of all various OS Flavors).
> However I am not able to connect to any network storage server such as
> Windows PC's or NAS Storage using map network drive functions normally
> used with windows on CentOS.
> I am wondering if there is something goofy with this or is Cent just
> incompatible with NTFS network storage drives?

If that drive is indeed using NFS, Windows does have an NFS client and
it doesn't work out too bad. Can't remember where it is, but I think it
is something called Unix Services for Windows.

I have used CentOS to connect to a windows smb share.. so it does work,
just had to look it up on google. 

I am kind of confused by your message, are you saying that the 1TB NAS
drive is sitting on the network and is NOT attached to any computer on
your network? 

Or is the problem connecting CentOS to a Windows share?

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