Goood John,
But you please also clarify what does sudo means;

if it expects my own password then why not i can execute these command
without giving "sudo" as prefix.

If i am a genuine sudoer then can i edit files on which only root has
execution rights.

Vijay Shanker Dubey
Ph: +91-9818311884

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:59 AM, John R Pierce <> wrote:

> vijay shanker wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > What i am trying to achieve is; when executing
> >
> > # sudo make install
> > Password:*********
> >
> > this password entered is root password.
> sudo expeccts your USER password, not the root password.   the whole
> idea is the admin doesn't ened to give out the root password to give
> controlled admin privs to a user.
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