On Fri, 30 Oct 2009, Alexander Dalloz wrote:

> Given with "VMware VM" you mean a virtual machine on an ESX(i) system
> and that the admin just increased the disk size for the VM, you will see
> the additional disk space using fdisk / cfdisk as unallocated space.
> Either increase your LVM or create a new partition.
>> What steps do I need to take prior to creating a new partition with
>> fdisk?  (The SAN space, BTW, is connected through VMware.)
>> The OS is already residing on a logical volume.  Is there any compelling
>> reason to bringing the new partition into lvm (aside from the ease of
>> resizing it... something I don't anticipate us doing)?  Or should I
>> simply create an ext3 partition and mount that?
> Depends much on the purpose of the additional space. Generally LVM makes
> it very easy to increase any of the existing LVMs / mountpoints.
>> Thanks much.
> Alexander
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