On Thu, Nov 05, 2009 at 03:44:55PM -0400, Victor Subervi wrote:
> Hi;
> Now that it's installed, how do I start it and add a user? I can hardly
> believe there is *no* documentation!

        "man service" to learn how to control services.  

        "man chkconfig" to learn how to enable/disable services which
        run at system boot and also to list known service names.

        "man rpm", specifically the "query" and "query list" features to
        learn where a package keeps it's files.  For vsftpd this will
        point you to /usr/share/doc/vsftpd* where there is a good amount
        of documentation present.

        Taking the time to read the documentation and man pages provided
        by CentOS will save you considerable time in the future.


"My other computer is your windows box." - Ralf Hildebrandt

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