On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 01:59:40PM -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> It points you to:  
> http://howtoforge.net/virtual-users-domains-postfix-courier-mysql-squirrelmail-fedora-10
> Now granted this is for FC10, but I suspect it would be easy to fit into 
> Centos.

        Please, for the love of god and country, do not follow garbage
        like this.  Under "1. Preliminary Note" is this text:

        "You should make sure that the firewall is off (at least for
        now) and that SELinux is disabled (this is important!)".  

        Documents that advocate disabling SELinux should be tossed
        in a pile and set on fire.  Documents that tell you to
        disable your firewall with no mention in the remaining
        portion of the document to reenable it post install or
        how to properly configure it should join the burn pile.

        Howtoforge, while perhaps useful for *something* at *some*
        point in time, more often than not provides information
        which will either break your system outright or lead to
        tears and suffering before bedtime.


When there are too many policemen, there can be no liberty.  When there are
too many soldiers, there can be no peace.  When there are too many lawyers,
there can be no justice.

-- Lin Yutang (10 October 1895 - 26 March 1976), Chinese writer and translator,
as quoted in Alexander, James (2005). The World's Funniest Laws. Cheam: Crombie
Jardine. pp. page 6

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