From: John R. Dennison Sent: November 25, 2009 15:26
>       You are going through entirely too many steps.  
>       1)  Edit zone file
>       2)  rndc reload

I will give that a try.

>       Also in the steps you have taken above you are stopping bind
>       via rndc stop and then trying to start it with the unknown
>       "start" command.  Even if "start" was known it would not work,
>       rndc communicated directly with named, and since it was already
>       stopped in a previous step there is no way that your "start"
>       (or any other command, reload, flush, whatever) could work at
>       that point.

That would explain a lot but it would have been more useful if the
rndc command had returned an error saying something like "start
command unknown" rather than accepting the command and indicating
a communication problem.

Thanks very much for your informative reply.

Regards, Hugh

Hugh E Cruickshank, Forward Software, 
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