On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 12:13 AM, Tosh <toshli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Add to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX
> The following 2 lines :
> Line 1 tells the the if commands not to override /etc/resolv.conf
> Line 2 tells NetworkManager that it doens't have control over that
> ethernet controller
> --

Hi Tosh,

As matter of interest, since I don't see those options on our other
servers (which doesn't have this behaviour and they're also on CentOS
5.4), are these settings new? OR do I have something else installed
that is causing this?

Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux Hosting
Web: http://www.SoftDux.com
Office: 087 805 9573
Cell: 082 554 7532
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