>> Still no java browser plugin for Centos?  I've been reading the web
>> all night on this, getting angry.  I can't find any explanation about
>> why EPEL did have a working browser plugin, but then Centos introduced
>> versions of those same packages that had the plugin removed.  Not to
>> mention the fact that Centos keeps the older version (b09) of
>> java-1.6.0, and yet yum seems to think it is a newer version.
> Java support is indeed problematic as I pointed out in a recent thread
> on this list (subject "Recent Java OpenJDK RPMs").
> Regarding your issue, currently my approach is to build the latest
> version locally using the IcedTea build harness:
> http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/RhelBuildInstructions
I agree with the original poster. Not having the java plugin is fine on
servers, but for users here who *do* use it as a desktop, my choices are
to either not update openjdk or install Sun's Java, which makes openjdk


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