At Mon, 1 Feb 2010 09:49:24 -0800 (PST) CentOS mailing list <> 

> R-Elists wrote:
> >
> > i forgot...
> >
> > is it necessary to reboot after glibc* yum updates on 4.x and 5.x or any
> > centos for that matter...
> Should not be, but as with all library updates applications that
> are running when the update is applied won't get the update until
> they are restarted. Often times the updates are so minor that
> restarts are not critical.
> Often times rebooting is the easiest method for the update to
> fully take effect or you can manually restart stuff.
> I'm not sure if RPM automatically restarts services when system
> libraries change(I haven't seen it do this myself). In Debian by
> contrast for example when you update glibc, it will scan for
> running services that use it and will prompt you to restart them
> as part of the upgrade process.

Updating glibc always seems to restart sshd (one gets a message about
this during the update phase).

The only thing that *requires* a reboot is a kernel update.  Everything
else would just need a process restart.

> nate
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