On 2/4/2010 3:17 PM, Bo Lynch wrote:
> Right know we have about 30 or so linux servers scattered through out or
> district. Was looking at ways of consolidating and some sort of redundancy
> would be nice.
> Will clustering not work with certain apps? We have a couple mysql dbases,
> oracle database, smb shares, nfs, email, and web servers.

Each app has it's own best way to provide the redundancy and 
auto-failover and it's own set of tradeoffs of the added complexity vs. 
the possible reduced downtime if the primary fails.

I'd balance the options against the low-tech method of having raid 
mirrors in swappable bays with a spare similar server chassis or two 
around plus regular backups kept at a different location.  The raid lets 
you continue in the likely event of a disk failure so you can repair it 
at a convenient time.  Other failures (motherboard, power supply) are 
less likely but can be handled by swapping the drives into an alternate 
chassis (and with Centos you'll need to re-assign the IP addresses that 
are tied to the old NIC mac addresses) with a small amount of downtime. 
  And the backups cover things like operator or software errors (that 
would wipe a cluster too) or a building-level disaster that destroys the 
disks or the primary and spare chassis at the same time.  Some apps may 
be worth the effort to do better.

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

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