On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
> > Alan McKay wrote:
> >> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Christopher Chan
> >> <christopher.c...@bradbury.edu.hk> wrote:
> >>> A cluster filesystem
> >> OK, but you've just given me a circular definition.
> >>
> >>> When you do not need/want a cluster file system
> >> and again ...
> >>
> >
> > Okay, a cluster/distributed file system that does not have its own on
> > disk format. It makes use of whatever existing filesystem there is for
> > actual storage and allows you to replicate files/load balance requests
> > to files to 'storage servers' of any supported platform.
> >
> > At the same time, user level processes on 'clients' access the system as
> > if it was an actual file system.
> >
> > This enables one to have Linux clients that run say samba to export the
> > files to Windows clients but the actual files are kept on OpenSolaris
> > servers on zfs. Should the Linux clients all go down, the Windows
> > clients could still access the files on the OpenSolaris servers via
> samba.
> I'm having trouble finding any real information about how (and how well)
> this works and I'd like to know if it would be suitable for a backuppc
> storage archive which generates millions of hardlinks.  Does it deal
> with hardlinks spanning backend storage servers transparently?  And can
> it replicate efficiently enough to have remote copies?
> --
>   Les Mikesell
>    lesmikes...@gmail.com
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Has anyone implemented, or used GlusterFS yet? What is your viewpoint on it?

Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers

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