From: Rudi Ahlers <>
>I would like some suggestion on this matter please. I have never bothered 
>using any code repositories / version control systems for our web development 
>project, many cause I didn't know any better, and probably cause most of our 
>projects don't really require that we need to keep a history of what has 
>changed. i.e. a client wants to change something on their website, and we 
>change it, whether it's cosmetics or code (normally PHP & MySQL). 
>But, I want to see if CVS, or maybe even a forge script (like in offerforge) 
>could benefit met. Most of the time when we make changes to the code, we 
>simply update the version, from say 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 and write the changes to a 
>basic changelog, which in our case is a simple text file calles changelog.txt 

Check subversion:
They have a quite good documentation:

It is nice to be able to go back to n previous version in case you realised 
that the newer versions messed up everything...
people can work in parallel on different versions (production/dev, 1.x, 
2.x...), etc...


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